ATtinyX313 Microcontroller
Getting started with the ATtinyX313 microcontroller.
Designed by: Colin "MrSwirlyEyes" Keef


ATtiny AVR microcontrollers are awesome programmable chips that are great for simple stand alone projects. There have been several occasions where we found ourselves making a project with an Arduino UNO where we only utilized a small subset of the total number of IO pins. The entire Arduino UNO development board at our disposal, and we use only a fraction of its potential. Furthermore, the Arduino UNO costs approximately $25 and its microcontroller the ATMEGA328p costs approximately $2. If we are only using a subset of pins, we can have a smaller footprint and reduced price using an ATtinyX313 microcontroller. You can still program this microcontroller in the Arduino IDE. Granted there are some disadvantages, not having a dedicated hardware UART and the inability to use some of the same libraries the ATMGEA328p is capable of, it can still find its niche in some simple projects.

In this tutorial, we explore the ATtinyX313 and get you started playing with the ATtiny4313. At the end of the tutorial you can find other related projects and tutorials that utilize AVR microcontrollers and we encourage you to try and port your next project to an ATtinyX313!

Overall Learning Objectives

Configure ATtinyX313 board settings
Bootload ATtinyX313
Program ATtinyX313

Required Tools and Equipment

Laptop Computer
IC/Chip Remover

Required Downloads and Installations

Bill of Materials

Arduino UNO R3 Digikey 2 May use other variants, but may need minor changes to code.
USB Cable (A Male to B Male) Digikey 2
ATTINY4313 8BIT 4KB FLASH 20DIP Digikey 1 May substitute for any other ATtinyX313 module.
LED BLUE CLEAR T-1 3/4 T/H Digikey 10 Can substitute for any desired color LED.
RES 10K OHM 1/4W 5% AXIAL Digikey 10 Can substitute for appropriate sized resistor(s).
CAP ALUM 10UF 20% 50V RADIAL Digikey 1 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor (polarized). Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too. Any similar value will work too.
Breadboard (small) Digikey 2 Used for prototyping.
Jumper Wire M/M 6 (20pcs) Digikey 2 Used for prototyping.
[Optional] POCKET AVR PROGRAMMER Digikey 1 Optional if using Arduino UNO as ISP. Used to bootload AVR microcontrollers.
[Optional] USB Cable (A Male to Mini B Male) Digikey 1 Accessory to AVR Pocket Programmer.

01 Introduction to ATtiny Microcontrollers


In this module, we introduce you to ATtiny AVR microcontrollers in general. Most of them operate largely the same including their set up, configuration, and programming them.

AVR Microcontrollers

Most AVR microcontrollers behave the same where they are an ATtiny variant or ATMEGA variant. We have a tutorial that introduces AVR microcontrollers and what is necessary to get started using them. Pay close attention to this tutorial as we describe how to work with AVR microcontrollers in general. You need to decide whether you would like to use an Arduino UNO as an ISP to program your ATtinyX313, or the Sparkfun Pocket AVR Programmer. The tutorial covers AVR microcontrollers and is mostly split up between ATtiny AVR microcontrollers and ATMEGA AVR microcontrollers - we want to follow the ATtiny specfic parts! After you go through the tutorial, return here and we will dive specifically into the ATtinyX313. Now, we direct you to the tutorial here: AVR Microcontrollers

Returning from the AVR Microcontrollers tutorial. We should have the ATtinyCore installed, know what device we will use to bootload and program the ATtinyX313 (Arduino as ISP or Pocket AVR Programmer), have some familiarity of the board settings (we will explore the ATtinyX313 settings explicitly), and some of the bootloading process (again, explicitly covered here).

In the next module, we explore the ATtinyX313.

02 The ATtinyX313 Microcontroller


Now we focus on the ATtinyX313 microcontroller explicitly. We will cover its pinout, capabilities and explore the process for which we program the ATtinyX313 in detail.

Overview of the ATtinyX313

We refer to the ATtinyX313 where the 'X' can be either 2, 4, or 8. Thus, there are two different variants of the ATtinyX313, namely: ATtiny2313 and ATtiny4313. They are all identical except for how much flash memory, RAM (Random Access Memory), and EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory). This is shown in the specifications table below.

The specifcations of the ATtinyX313 variants are outlined as follows:

Flash (program memory) 2048/4096 bytes
RAM (Random Access Memory) 128/256 bytes
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) 128/256 bytes
Bootloader no
GPIO pins 18
ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) Channels None
PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) Channels 3
Interfaces UART, USI
Clock options internal 0.5/1/4/8 MHz, external crystal or clock up to 20 MHz

The following shows the pinout diagram for the ATtinyX313:

The pins of interest are the following:

Analog Pins - Your typical analog pins the same as any Arduino and in the Arduino IDE.
Timer/PWM Pins - Your typical PWM pins the same as any Arduino and in the Arduino IDE.
Arduino Pins - The labels here are what pins you need to define in your code on the Arduino IDE. Observe that some of the pins have multiple uses (Analog, Digital, PWM, and even all 3 on a single pin).
Crystal Oscillator (External Clock) Pins - XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the pins we connect an external oscillator to so we can run the ATtiny at a higher clock rate (speed).
Serial Interface Pins - The USI (Universal Serial Interface) pins are DI and DO. Also on board are the I2C pins: SDA (Serial Data) and SCL (Serial Clock). Both of these serial interfaces are methods of communication.
In-System Programmer (ISP) Pins - The pins we need to use to program the ATtiny! These should be familiar from the ISP pins on the Arudino UNO, except that there is no SS (Slave Select) pin.

In-System Programmer (ISP) Pins paralleled with that of those on the Arduino UNO (or ATMEGA328p):

MISO (Master In Slave Out) – Slave line used to send data to the Master (e.g. Arduino UNO).
MOSI (Master Out Slave In) – Master line used to send data to the peripherals (e.g. ATtiny).
SCK (Serial Clock) – Clock pulses for synchronized data; transmitted/set by Master.
RESET – Used by the Master to perform a software reset on the ATtiny.

Unlike the Arduino UNO which has a SS (Slave Select) pin. The ATtiny does not have one. Instead, we will need to use the RESET pin since the ATtiny will be the slave device.

Even for such a small chip, there is a ton of information that we are not able to cover. Feel free to checkout the complete documentation of the ATtinyX313 from its datasheet linked in the Resources and References at the bottom of the page.

Observe the similarities of the ATtinyX313 to the Arduino UNO (or ATMEGA328p), shown below for reference:

Now that we have familiarized with the ATtinyX313, we are ready to bootload and program the microcontroller now!

03 Bootloading the ATtinyX313


In this module, we will walk through the process in which we bootload the ATtinyX313. Bootloading AVR microcontrollers is an essential step to ensure that the microcontroller behaves appropriately. In AVR microcontrollers that do not have a hardware UART, the same method to bootload the microcontroller is employed to program the microcontroller.

Bootloading the ATtinyX313

To bootload the ATtinyX313, we need to use an external master device to program our ATtinyX313 (slave device). There are several ways we can do this. The most common way is to use an Arduino UNO to program the ATtinyX313. This is usually easy because it is assumed that you already have an Arduino UNO on hand. Another common method is to use Sparkfun's Pocket AVR Programmer.

From the AVR Microcontrollers tutorial, configure your Arduino IDE and/or programming device. Assuming the ATtiny board settings in the Arduino IDE are configured appropriately.

From hereon out, we will be using at ATtiny4313 to demonstrate the bootloading process. We will still mention ATtinyX313 where it is general, but configure the appropriate settings for the ATtiny4313. However, this same process can be applied to any of the ATtinyX313 variants, given that you make the appropriate change at the Chip selection shown later.

Next, we have to burn the bootloader to the ATtinyX313.

Burn the Bootloader to ATtinyX313 using Arduino UNO as an In-System Programmer

If you have not done so yet, make sure your Arduino UNO is configured as an In-System Programmer, which is outlined in the Bootloading AVR Microcontrollers module in the AVR Microcontrollers tutorial.

With your Arduino UNO configured, we need to build the following circuit to connect the Arduino UNO to the ATtinyX313:

Pay close attention to the schematic. The ATtinyX313 physical pins (numbers protruding from the symbol) and Arduino or programming pins (in the description inside the symbol) are labeled on the schematic.

The 10µF capacitor prevents the Arduino UNO from automatically resetting when we bootloading/programming the ATtinyX313.

Observe that the Serial pins of the Arduino UNO are connected to the ISP pins of the ATtinyX313. Furthermore, the ATtinyX313 needs to be powered when we bootload/program it, we can just tap off the Arduino UNO power rail pins with it connected to your computer USB port. We outline these connections in the following table:

Arduino UNO (physical pin) ATtinyX313 (physical pin)
3.3V or 5V VCC (pin 20)
SCK (pin 13) SCK (pin 19)
MISO (pin 12) MISO (pin 18)
MOSI (pin 11) MOSI (pin 17)
SS (pin 10) RESET (pin 1)
GND GND (pin 10)

Do not confuse the physical pin with the Arduino or programming pin.

Although the schematic shows the connection to 3.3V, 5V will also work just as well.

Please use the Chip Remover when removing ATtiny microchips, the pins are extremely fragile. If you break a pin, the chip practically becomes useless.

With the appropriate settings selected in the Arduino IDE, first select Burn Bootloader to burn the selected settings to the ATtinyX313.

Be sure you have selected Arduino as ISP (ATtinyCore) for the programmer setting. As for clock, we recommend using the default 8 MHz crystal - do NOT select an external clock unless you know what you are doing.

To burn the bootloader, on the Arduino IDE navigate to Tools and click Burn Bootloader.

Selecting Burn Bootloader will act instantly!

You should always Burn Bootloader when first using the ATtiny variant chip. You never know what fuse settings came with the board by default.

Be sure all the settings we have discussed during this tutorial are set appropriately.

For the Clock setting, if you do external on accident, you will brick (effectively disable or render useless) the ATtiny until we connect the corresponding external clock. Do NOT select any external clock rates unless you already have an external oscillator configured.

If your connections are correct, you should receive a successful Burn Bootloader message.

If you do NOT get a successful Burn Bootloader message, please check your circuit, the board settings, and make sure the ArduinoISP sketch has been uploaded to your Arduino UNO.

Burn the Bootloader to ATtinyX313 using Pocket AVR Programmer

If you have not done so yet, make sure you have the Pocket AVR Programmer configured appropriately, which is outlined in the Bootloading AVR Microcontrollers module in the AVR Microcontrollers tutorial.

With your Pocket AVR Programmer configured, we need to build the following circuit to connect the Pocket AVR Programmer 2x3 ISP header to the ATtiny:

You need to use your imagination (since we do not have a physical picture here - only a schematic representation). The Pocket AVR Programmer 2x3 ISP header has a key sticking out of one end of the connector (which is illustrated in the schematic). This is also from a top-view perspective.

Pay close attention to the schematic. The ATtinyX313 physical pins (numbers protruding from the symbol) and Arduino or programming pins (in the description inside the symbol) are labeled on the schematic.

Observe that the Serial pins of the Pocket AVR Programmer are connected to the ISP pins of the ATtinyX313. Furthermore, the ATtinyX313 needs to be powered when we program it, we can just tap off an Arduino UNO power rail pins with it connected to your computer USB port or using the Pocket AVR Programmer itself by toggling the switch between Power Target and No power.

Careful if you chose to power the ATtinyX313 using the Pocket AVR Programmer, it provides 5V when Power Target is selected. This is convenient for breadboard prototyping in general, however it is common to not to use the Pocket AVR Programmer to power the target (e.g. ATtiny) when it is on its own (custom) PCB because you may be using a voltage less than 5V which may damage your custom circuitry.

We outline these connections in the following table:

Pocket AVR Programmer
(2x3 ISP header)
(physical pin)
5V (pin 2) or NC VCC (pin 20)
SCK (pin 3) SCK (pin 19)
MISO (pin 1) MISO (pin 18)
MOSI (pin 4) MOSI (pin 17)
RESET (pin 5) RESET (pin 1)
GND (pin 6) GND (pin 10)

Do not confuse the physical pin with the Arduino or programming pin for the ATtiny.

The connection to the Pocket AVR Programmer VCC (5V) pin may NOT need to be connected if you will power your microcontroller with an external power source.

Please use the Chip Remover when removing ATtiny microchips, the pins are extremely fragile. If you break a pin, the chip practically becomes useless.

With the appropriate settings selected in the Arduino IDE, first select Burn Bootloader to burn the selected settings to the ATtiny4313.

Remember the Pocket AVR Programmer will NOT show up in Port, so it is OK to have nothing selected.

Be sure you have selected USBtinyISP for the programmer setting. As for clock, we recommend using the default 8 MHz crystal - do NOT select an external clock unless you know what you are doing.

To burn the bootloader, on the Arduino IDE navigate to Tools and click Burn Bootloader.

Selecting Burn Bootloader will act instantly!

You should always Burn Bootloader when first using the ATtiny variant chip. You never know what fuse settings came with the board by default.

Be sure all the settings we have discussed during this tutorial are set appropriately.

For the Clock setting, if you select external on accident, you will brick (effectively disable or render useless) the ATtiny until we connect the corresponding external clock. Do NOT select any external clock rates unless you already have an external oscillator configured.

If your connections are correct, you should receive a successful Burn Bootloader message.

If you do NOT get a successful Burn Bootloader message, please check your circuit, and the board settings.

With the bootloader burned to your ATtinyX313, we are finally ready to program it with custom code! You will keep the same circuit configuration used for burning the bootloader to program the ATtiny with a typical Arduino sketch.

04 Programming the ATtinyX313


In this module, we will program the ATtinyX313. The program we upload to the ATtinyX313 is trivial, however we encourage you to explore its capabilities further in your own application!

Programming the ATtinyX313

We demonstrate a trivial example of programming the ATtinyX313, the typical blink sketch. You may now open a new sketch and write your own code or copy-paste the following code into the sketch:

// Trivial program to test the ATtinyX313.
// Toggles LED on and off for a fixed period of time.
//  Typical blink sketch.

#define led 8

void setup() {
  // Initialize ATtinyX313 digital physical pin 11
  //	(programming pin 8) as an output.
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Toggle LED on
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

  // Toggle LED off
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);

With the same settings from the Burn Bootloader module, instead of burning the bootloader, upload the program to the ATtiny4313 like you would with any Arduino device!

If you are using the Pocket AVR Programmer, you may have to press (CMD + SHIFT + U or CTRL + SHIFT + U) to upload using the AVR Pocket Programmer or navigate to Sketch > Upload Using Programmer for the equivalent action.

You should receive the typical successful programming message.

With the code given above, the ATtinyX313 will toggle one of the digital pins. The following circuit blinks an LED using the appropriate digital pin designated in the uploaded code:

The results should be similar to:

And that is it! Your ATtinyX313 should be blinking an LED. This was a trivial example, but it is the start of many possibilities to reduce your overall hardware footprint and cost. The ATtiny can do a large subset of what the Arduino UNO (ATMEGA328p) can do, so if you have an existing Arduino project that is using only a subset of pins and is relatively simple, consider whether you can free up that Arduino and use an ATtiny instead. If the ATtinyX313 does not have enough GPIO pins, there are several other ATtiny or ATMEGA variants that have more or less pins than the Arduino UNO (ATMEGA328p).


The concept of programming AVR microcontrollers is the take away from this tutorial. Prototyping using Arduino development boards is still the way to go. However, if you find yourself using a small subset of pins or want to reduce your hardware then start asking yourself if the microcontroller you are using is under (or over) specified for your completed project. The understanding of the Arduino UNO (ATMEGA328p) is not much different than ATtiny AVR microcontrollers. They are very similar. If you want to make your own custom hardware or product, then making and breaking the development board is necessary to make your own embedded project!